
SolarEdge Backup Interface

Why Reliable Electricity Matters

Grid failures can leave homes without electricity when they need it the most. Traditional
solar installations shut down during blackouts to prevent back feeding the grid, rendering
solar panels alone ineffective in providing backup power. While solar panels lower
electricity bills by harnessing renewable energy, homeowners may still be left vulnerable
and reliant on grid restoration in times of blackouts. It is important to consider a battery or
backup interface system, along with your solar installation, to ensure that you always have
power even when the grid is out for everyone else.

The SolarEdge Backup Interface (BUI)

Ensuring continuous power supply to our homes is crucial. The SolarEdge Backup Interface (BUI) ensures your home stays powered, even during unexpected grid failures. The BUI also provides remote diagnostics along with real-time monitoring capabilities for battery status and solar production/consumption data.

Key Features of the SolarEdge Backup Interface

  • Continuous Solar Functionality: Unlike conventional systems, the BUI enables
    grid-tied solar systems to operate during blackouts, ensuring uninterrupted access
    to solar power.
  • Instant Activation: The BUI activates in less than a second during blackouts,
    keeping your lights and essential appliances running without delay.
  • Flexible Backup Options: Connect batteries for extended backup or opt for
    “Sunlight Backup” mode, utilizing real-time solar power during daylight hours for
    smart and efficient battery and generator usage.
  • Robust Power Output: Capable of processing up to 5 KW of consistent power
    during blackouts, sufficient to power most household appliances
  • Versatile Power Management: The BUI acts as a conductor for your home’s
    electric setup, seamlessly and intelligently switching between grid, solar, battery,
    and generator power as needed.
  • Cost Savings: Efficient electricity utilization maximizes solar usage, and reduces
    electricity bills, and increases energy independence, protecting against rising
    electricity costs.
  • Easy Installation: Compatible with any standard SolarEdge grid-tied solar setup,
    installation is hassle-free, minimizing downtime.

Revolutionize Home Energy Management with the SolarEdge Backup Interface

The SolarEdge Backup Interface revolutionizes home energy management, providing homeowners with reliable backup power and enhanced energy independence. Its state-of-the-art features and seamless integration make the SolarEdge Backup Interface a must-have addition to any solar setup, ensuring you’re never left in the dark.

Maximize Your Solar Investment with Xolar

Being able to self-generate your energy will place you in a unique position to capitalize on rate increases by increasing the value of your investment as time goes by. It’s not uncommon for homeowners to generate 90% or more of their annual electricity with solar. Due to recent changes allowing homeowners to sell energy back at time-of-day rates, it’s possible to net even more value for each kWh you generate during peak hours. The SolarEdge Backup Interface enhances your system’s value by ensuring continuous power supply during grid outages, while also optimizing energy expenditure.

If you are thinking of going solar, our Solar Specialists and Project Managers can cleanly walk you through the steps of what is required in your province for your grid hookup. We’ll also get you started on the vital first step of acquiring a tailor-made solar proposal for your personal energy needs at home.

Request a consultation with one of our solar energy experts

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